Adult Social Care Policies and Resources
Calderdale Adult Social Care policies and useful resources.
Procedures and Guidance for Staff
Procedures and guidance for Calderdale Adult Social Care staff.
Induction and Professional Development
Information on induction, practice education, social work progression, supervision and workload management.
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Achieving good outcomes for people, reducing inequalities and providing high quality care and support.
Mental Capacity Act Resources
Practice guidance and resources for staff with regard to Mental Capacity, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and Court of Protection.
Occupational Therapy Resources
Occupational Therapy information, including Accessible Homes and Handypersons Service, Assistive Technology and Manual Handling.
Brokerage, Direct Payments and Financial Assessment Pathway
Information and resources for use by adult social care staff with regards to brokerage, direct payments and when carrying out financial assessments.
Templates and Essential Resources
Templates for assessments, letters and forms and other essential resources for adult social care staff.
Strategies and Frameworks
Adult Social Care and Wellbeing Strategies and frameworks.
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